The Who-is-Who Directory In The Public Safety Industry

Your guide to public safety solution providers

TDC Erhverv

TDC Erhverv

TDC Erhverv is one of Denmark's largest IT consulting firms and communication providers.

TDC Erhverv has one of the industry's most modern delivery organizations, which ensures high quality in the end-to-end solutions and Managed Services we deliver to our customers. TDC Erhverv is experts in helping companies with their business-critical IT systems

Our vision is to take an active part in digitization in Denmark. We want to be your trusted advisor - a partner you can trust. Digitization affects all industries and creates opportunities for innovation and efficiency. TDC Erhverv solutions give you optimal collaboration opportunities and state-of-the-art customer management based on a modern and secure network. These are key factors in a highly competitive environment. Our solutions are the basis for your company's development and affect your employees' and customers' everyday life every minute.

With our many highly specialized technical experts and our skilled business consultants, we have the knowledge to offer our customers the best advice and sparring on the market regarding the latest technologies and how they can create value for our customers' businesses.

TDC Erhverv are known for our great technological and business insight and understanding, that means that we can deliver high quality in the services we provide, which give our customers optimal opportunities to get the most out of their network, IT security, communication and collaboration, and contact center solutions.

TDC Erhverv runs an ethically responsible business that contributes to the world we are part of. Therefore, the work around our ambitious, sustainable objectives also includes all parts of our organization.

Because we want to be among the world's most sustainable telecommunications companies. Not only do we have a net zero target for CO2 emissions in 2028. We will also support the sustainability of our suppliers and customers through clear requirements, digital innovation and a more circular economy.


TDC Erhverv are responsible for the complete national Emergency 1-1-2 solution in Denmark.

And as a supplier of critical infrastructure, we have a special responsibility for the cyber security of Danish companies, institutions, and authorities - a responsibility that is becoming increasingly relevant and which we take very seriously.

last updated: June 2024