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Logis Solutions

Logis Solutions design and provide cutting-edge CAD and PSAP solutions for EMS, Fire and healthcare services globally, helping them to deliver high-quality and efficient service.  

Established in 2000, Logis Solutions now has offices in Copenhagen, Texas and Seattle. During the past 20+ years, Logis has become the preferred supplier of EMS calltaking and dispatching for a growing number of US as well as European EMS services, helping them optimise services for the patients, being at the center of all we do.

Today we offer the most advanced, feature rich and elaborate product suite for CAD and Calltaking, and covering all aspects of EMS call-taking and dispatching, the product portfolio includes:

  • Logis Intelligent Decision Support (IDS)

Intelligent CAD Solutions for 911 & Public Safety, Mobile Healthcare & Non-Emergent Medical Transport, including:

  • Predictive AI Deployment
  • Advanced Emergency Recommendations
  • Automated Planning
  • On-Premise – Or In the Cloud

Logis IDS is a game-changer for call centers, PSAPs and emergency communication centers. Once configured to your preferences, Logis IDS will automatically schedule tasks, communicate tasks to crews, and dynamically update the entire plan with vehicle status. Pre-populated caller data and easy-to-understand visual displays also reduce stress on telecommunicators, allowing them to focus on caller engagement.

Always on, IDS’ real-time background planning ensures operations are optimized based on available information. Logis’ planning engine continuously evaluates and adjusts to changing conditions, even predicting where a unit will be in 60 seconds – when the task will be received and acted on – not just where it is right now.

Welcome to Logis IDS. Welcome to the CAD of the future.

To learn more about Logis IDS click here

  • Logis Voice

Streamlining phone, radio and push-to-talk communication, Logis Voice reduces workflow inefficiencies by consolidating all voice communication into one solution. Features include:

  • Improved Dispatcher Workflow
  • Consolidated Interface
  • Easily Recorded & Archived

When integrated with standard phone systems, Logis Voice collates call data and pre-populates key information in the appropriate screen, saving dispatchers time and allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. Easy-click-to-dial feature within the solution allows efficient outside connection without exiting the CAD system.

All calls are stored and tagged for for integrated reference with IDS, using Metadata. This enables the user to Utilize enhanced searching and historical playbacks for reporting, legal and performance management needs.

To learn more about Logis Voice click here

  • Logis Inventory

Track, manage and maintain resources quickly and easily. Logis Inventory puts your vehicle, equipment and consumable inventories in one place. Together with Logis IDS, Logis Inventory gives you a complete overview of the status of your system with one click, at any time, from any device.

  • Simplify Asset Control
  • Customize as Needed
  • Manage Inventories Large & Small

Whether for day-to-day operations or the next pandemic, Logis Inventory lets you quickly determine and report the status of your equipment, from ventilator inventories to fire and rescue supplies. This means, you can prepare for any emergency, ensure all medical equipment is maintained, and all stocks are in place. At the end of the day, knowing you have ready-to-use supplies is critical for both staff efficiency and satisfied patients.

To learn more about Logis Inventory click here

Our team of veteran emergency services and information technology experts has partnered with organizations in North America, Europe and across the Pacific to implement software solutions that improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. We look forward to partner with your organization, enabling your potentials and optimizing your CAD anc PSAP workflows.

last updated: June 2024