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Heartrunner Sweden AB

Heartrunner Sweden, established in its current form in 2016, was founded by resuscitation experts, researchers and techies with a strong belief in the power of citizen responders. The Heartrunner system is a reliable supply-and-demand system that recruit citizen responders in case of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. We started in 2010 and since 2014 we run on the current app platform. Over 24 000 alerts on suspected cardiac arrest have been sent since the start.  

We know that citizen responders can be a valuable complement to ambulance and other resources in the first critical minutes of a cardiac arrest.
Citizen responders who downloaded our app can be alerted when they are nearby a victim, and perform CPR and use an AED to increase the chance of survival. Our system locates both citizen responders and AEDs nearby the victim.

The Heartrunner system is currently active in Sweden and Denmark with over 180 000 users ready to save lives. If your region or country want to benefit from this system it’s easy to configure it for your technical needs and policy for distribution, i.e., you can let anyone who have CPR skills join, or you can select specified individuals within your organization.   

Our system can be incorporated with any CAD software and alerts are sent through an API to our MissionServer. This is a hassle-free solution with no build in buttons or switches. It’s a redundant system built on Microsoft Azure servers and there are no bottlenecks in number of alerts handled or number of citizen responders in the system. The app is designed as a white label solution, to be branded in compliance with regional or national concepts.

The MissionServer handle the logistics in selecting candidates to alert nearby the location of a suspected cardiac arrest. We can easily incorporate data from a national or regional AED network in the alerts to further increase the effect on survival.

The Heartrunner system is developed in a research environment and we currently support research at Karolinska Institutet, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm School of Economics, Linköping University, Linnæus University and Copenhagen university. We can support your region regarding research and evaluation of the effect of citizen responders in case of cardiac arrest.

We provide real-time feedback to the region in terms of number of volunteers and their actions and you can quickly see the benefit in terms of increasing rate of bystander CPR and defibrillation.

In a Swedish randomized controlled trial, the bystander CPR rate was increased by 32% with citizen responders first on scene.

In 2020 from Copenhagen, a threefold increase of bystander defibrillation over 12 months was shown in OHCA cases where citizen responders arrived before the ambulance.   

Join us and make sure that your region makes the most use of the power of citizen responders. Let CPR trained citizens and publicly available AEDs come to use!   

Together we save lives! 

last updated: June 2024